Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Prevention, Intervention, and Change
PCADV’s 60 community-based programs and statewide office are joined in a coalition, acting hand in hand on behalf of domestic violence victims and their children. The Community Programs and statewide Coalition form interconnecting links in a chain of services and support so victims can find safety, obtain justice and build new lives free of abuse. Working together, we complement each other’s efforts. And, united as a Coalition, we multiply our influence on policies and laws that affect victims.
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Many men feel that when there is a separation in marriage there will be a loss of rights. Both parents are needed and deserve to be a part of their child's life unless one or both parents are harmful to the child. Here you will find advice and information to help you further understand your rights. The Law Offices of Gordon S Brown believe in both parents actively participating in raising children where possible.
Man women feel that when there is a separation in a marriage there will be a loss of rights, especially if the spouse is the primary breadwinner. Here you will find advice and information to help you further understand your rights. The Law Offices of Gordon S Brown believe that a divorce or separation is a path to a new direction and not an end.
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